Saturday, June 30, 2007

The first entry for this blog... Hef's hot women!

Back when I was a wee lad, less than 10, I discovered the wonderful world of nude women in Playboy magazine. It was marvelous and delightful and had all these strange effects I didn't understand them. Sometimes I still don't but I'm just as stuck on them now as I ever was.

The first two issues I remember were from the mid 70's and they had Raquel Welch and Farrah Fawcett on the covers. The centerfold for Welch cover was Candace Collins and this was the December '79 issue. I've been flipping through them ever since. I've seen lots of issues since then and all the beautiful women in those pages and there have been so many: Janet Lupo, DeDe Lind, Patty Duffek, Heidi Sorensen, Jo Collins, Lisa Matthews, Jacqueline Sheen and the list goes on. Anyway, I've got an image of Collins included here as well as the cover. I will post more later and probably put up curtains and things. Hopefully this will be a good experience for all.

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